Gloucester School Committee Negotiations

Collective Bargaining Information

Return to Work Agreement - This is the legal agreement that formally ended the teachers and paraprofessionals strike. It was negotiated by and approved by the the teachers' union the paraprofessionals union, and the School Committee. It details the legal, monetary, and work expectations for all parties. 

GTA/School Committee Memorandum of Agreement - This document details all the changes that were negotiated by the School Committee and the Gloucester Teachers Association and will be incorporated into their Collective Bargaining Agreement. It includes all changes to the contract including those related to teaching and learning, benefits, and salaries. 

GAEP/School Committee Memorandum of Agreement - This document details all the changes that were negotiated by the School Committee and the Gloucester Association of Education Paraprofessionals and will be incorporated into their Collective Bargaining Agreement. It includes all changes to the contract including those relative to teaching and learning, benefits, and salaries. 

The School Committee has recently settled new contracts with GTA, GAEP School Secretaries, District Office Administrative Staff, and Bus Monitors. 

Negotiations with School Nurses are underway and are being held in Executive Session so the ground rules do not allow for regular public updates. 


2024 School Committee Negotiating Committees

Gloucester Association of Educational Professionals (GAEP)

Gloucester Teachers Association (GTA)

AFSCME B (District Office Administrative Staff) 

AFSCME C (School Secretaries)

Bus Monitors

School Nurses

District Personnel Contracts